Golf Strength and Mobility Training Program

If you are a golfer, your body goes through a lot of twisting motion that can potentially put a lot of torque, and strain on your body. If you are not training with a Certified Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) Golf Fitness Professional to keep your body in golf shape, it is not a matter of if you are going to get hurt, but rather when you will get hurt. One of the many benefits of working with me as a Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) like myself, is that we can provide you the same golf assessment that the pros enjoy. The assessment allows us to see what is going on with your body, what if anything is wrong with your golf swing, it gives feedback to you and your golf pro, he or she in turn can help correct your golf swing, make the necessary adjustments while I customize the right training program to address your needs, and hopefully help you drive the ball farther and straighter. Because of the nature of this training program, it takes at least three months 10 to 18 training sessions, in order to start seeing the results that you want . This program includes a Golf assessment, Sports Nutrition Counseling, an 8-week re-assessment, Program Design, and homework for you to do on your own when you are not working with a trainer. What happens during these sessions you might ask? We are glad you asked. Our sessions include myofascial release, warm-up, preparatory movement, the use of your body weight, light weight, Kettle Bell, Thera-bands, and Stick Mobility. Again, the program is customized based on the client’s needs, desire, fitness level, and limitations if there are any. At the end of the day, your fitness needs and desires are what matter most to us, and will be the focus during your training, in concert with nutritional counseling and proper hydration.

I was talking to a golfer recently who told me that for years he has been having back pain after playing golf, and thought it was normal to feel that way. After working with him for a bit his back pain went away, and he has been pain-free since then. It is important to know that when we experience pain in our bodies, it is an indication that something is wrong; pain does not mean that everything is okay. It means that we need to stop and find out what is the cause of the pain, and not work through the pain.